Handbags are not a new invention. This type of accessory was worn throughout the first half of the twentieth century. Although shoulder bags appeared at this time, it was the handbag that enjoyed the greatest popularity among elegant ladies. Today, when we notice a great return of fashion in retro and vintage style, small handbags are gaining great popularity not only among fashionistas, but also among women who are fond of following trends.
This trend for small bags, which fit perfectly in the hands, we could notice among others in the Jacquemus collection. It is this French brand that first created a fashion for absurdly small handbags, which turned out to be something more than just an Instagram hit. These handbags started a real boom for small, sometimes absurdly small handbags, which we carry in our hand. Do they have their practical application, or do we carry them only as a curious and intriguing gadget?
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Evening handbags, clutches, or handbags are nothing new for us and for decades women have known how to handle them. Golden or silver boxes, covered with glitter, satin or ornamental brooches are extremely beautiful and practical handbags. Evening clutches serve as a kind of jewelry that complements the entire outfit.
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A handbag, which we carry for special occasions, will accommodate exactly as much as we need to have with us for one evening. It's good if it fits a phone, lipstick, and possibly a small wallet with cash or a credit card. Remember about home keys, which should also fit in even a small handbag.
In the case of fashionable, but really small handbags, you may have a problem to fit even the mentioned lipstick. But maybe it's not worth following the trend, since it turns out to be so extremely impractical?
A good solution for everyday styling may be, for example, a Gucci handbag. It is a perfect example of a handbag that meets your practical expectations and also serves as a decoration of the entire styling. A handbag doesn't have to be in a neutral color, and it's even more interesting to choose this one, which stands out with its unusual design.
Treat it as an accessory that should attract attention and make it stand out against the whole outfit. Stylish, elegant, but also playful and very fashionable - this is what a Gucci bag is, which you can find in several color versions. A handbag is suitable for every time of the year, both for work and for an evening meeting. It's elegant, but not as obligatory as a clutch or purse. It is also much more universal and practical than a funny gadget bag from Jacquemus.
What should you be guided by when choosing the perfect handbag? First of all, the occasion and the size of this accessory. For evening outings, when you don't need to take too many things with you, choose a classic clutch or a handbag of an interesting, irregular shape. For everyday occasions, choose a slightly larger one, which in addition to lipstick, keys and a wallet will also fit a phone and other necessary accessories.